Strong muscular muscly sturdy strapping robust mighty hefty brawny burly husky athletic manly well built Herculean tough solid substantial lusty. Predominant in influence number or importance.
Jun 30 2021 Youre a powerful woman people will listen to you.

Another word for powerful. ABSOLUTE - ALMIGHTY - BOUNCING - CHARMING - DOMINANT - ELOQUENT - FORCEFUL - FORCIBLE - INCISIVE - IRON-HARD - MAGNETIC - MIGHTILY - MUSCULAR - OFFICIAL - PIERCING - POIGNANT - POWERFUL - PUISSANT - RESONANT - SLASHING - STALWART - STRIKING - SUPERIOR - TERRIBLY - VEHEMENT - VIGOROUS. Predominant in influence number or importance. Producing powerful feelings or strong clear images in the mind.
Of the highest rank or status. Very strong or proficient in a skill or ability. In a daring courageous or determined manner.
Performed with or requiring great strength or power. Heavy heavy-duty important influential mighty potent puissant significant. Strong full and heavy literally or figuratively.
Invested with full power. Heres a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Synonyms for Powerful tool.
Showy bold or audacious in behavior or appearance. Based on or displaying common sense. 1 his powerful shoulders bulged under his suit.
In a harsh or severe manner. 333 other terms for powerful tool- words and phrases with similar meaning. Heres a list of similar wordsfrom our thesaurusthat you can use instead.
Oct 03 2019 He is a powerful man managed to dead-lift over five hundred pounds at the gym What a powerful feeling this is The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping Other Words for Powerful Common synonyms for the word powerful. Informal beefy hunky ripped shredded. The dominant animals lead the herd.
A person of importance or power. Adverb for denotes the effectiveness or dominance of a particular action. Synonyms for Powerful Tool other words and phrases for Powerful Tool.
Adverb for important. Of or like God or a god. Present as the strongest or main element.
Adverb for having great impact or influence. Adverb for imbued with passion. One of the most influential books ever written.