A young person kids in high school especially. It can be a single four-line stanza meaning that it is a stand-alone poem of four lines or it can be a four-line stanza that makes up part of a longer poem.
However the world of childrens dictionaries delves deeper than that.

Kid friendly definition of quatrain. Quatrains may rhyme in different ways and may have different lengths of lines. A young individual of various animals related to the goat. Feb 20 2020 English Language Learners Definition of quatrain.
Some quatrains are in iambic pentameter with each line having five pairs of unstressedstressed syllables for a total of 10 syllables. In poetry a quatrain features four lines of verse. For example the quatrain is a four-line stanza.
See the full definition for quatrain in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Feb 07 2020 Quatrain poems are special poems with four lines that rhyme. A quatrain is a four-line stanza of poetry.
A stanza or poem of four lines usually with alternate rhymes. PYOO-ber-tee is the name for the time when your body begins to develop and change as you move from kid to adult. You can read about some ways people rhyme their quatrains here.
Child a married couple with two kids often used as a generalized reference to one especially younger or less experienced the kid on the pro golf tour you poor kid. Poetry a stanza or poem of four lines esp one having alternate rhymes. A poem or verse that has four lines.
From French from quatre four from Latin quattuor Collins English Dictionary. Were talking about stuff like girls developing breasts and boys starting to look more like men. During puberty your body will grow faster than at any other time in your life except for when you were a baby.
A stanza or poem of four lines esp one having alternate rhymes Meaning pronunciation translations and examples. Poetry is about a writer sharing with the reader an experience or strong feelings. The flesh fur or skin of a young goat.
Heres a quick and simple definition. A form of poetry usually suitable for singing that tells a story in stanzas of two or four lines and often has a refrain. Quatrain The quatrains are more playfully less thematically divided.
Many poetry books are full of quatrains and I like writing them too. Oct 22 2015 Quatrain poetry is a poem of four lines that alternate in rhyme. When you think of a dictionary you may think of a reference book that has words and their definitions.
Here is an example. Some additional key details about quatrains. There are two types of quatrain poems you can write.
Jun 30 2021 Quatrain definition. An AABB pattern quatrain poem has first and second lines with a set of rhyming. A position in which your knees are bent and your body lowered so that you are close to your heels or sitting on your heels 2.
The young of a goat or of a related animal such as an antelope 2. Subject Specific Dictionary - concentrates on just one subject such as science or a math dictionary with mathematical terms and examples. As a literary device a quatrain in poetry is a series of four poetic lines that make up a verse of a poem known as a stanza which can function as a poem on its own or as an individual.
Easier - Poetry is a kind of writing usually in versePoetry verse is set out in short lines with words put together in rhythm or rhyme or both. Soft smooth leather made from the hide of a kid 3. I lay staring up at the sky Not a cloud in sight.
The structure of a stanza is determined by the number of lines the dominant meter and the rhyme scheme. Learners definition of SQUAT 1 count. The quatrain poem can also be written with two different rhythms either 1212 or as 1122.
A quatrain is a foundational poetic device because it is compatible with different rhythmic patterns and rhyme schemes. Apr 16 2011 Students - a quatrain is a four line poem stanza. So the first and third lines have a word rhyming with each other at the end as do the second and fourth lines.
A stanza is also called a stave or strophe.