How are your folks. What is you biggest long-term goal in life.
When was the last time you cried and why.

Questions to ask your friend after a long time. Here are 5 get to know you questions to ask friends. Apr 08 2021 Step 1 Find your friend. Jul 26 2016 10 Questions to Ask an Old Friend at the Dinner Table Are you currently living in your forever city or town.
Whats the weirdest food youve heard about that you would be prepared to try. Do you have any broken bone stories to share too. What makes you feel unstoppable.
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend. Say you are sorry for not having got in touch sooner work taking up time you havent noticed how the time has slipped by you have been kept busy on the home front as well if you have a family You have had your own issues to deal with but focus on theirs. What emotion do you experience the most.
Ask them how they are what they have been doing how their life has been going. Oct 31 2010 Here are some of the most valuable conversation starters for friends you havent seen in a long time. Try to start by using a written medium that provides a.
What kind of music do you listen to. What is an important life lesson youve learned. If you could do anything for the rest of your life what would that be.
From silly to serious these 71 questions are sure to bring out all the feels and. What is your short-term goal in life. Reaching out is the hardest part.
Have you ever sang someone a love song. How old is Nathan now. What are you doing these days.
What would your dream vacation be. Have you kept in touch with Armando. Your friend may have started a family which is the source of much love and pride and may want to share this.
Apr 09 2020 We rounded up 71 good questions to ask your best friends. With all the milestones and. If you want to use more specific questions to find out about.
As long as they are respectful and arent crossing any boundaries within the particular friendship you can diversify the deep questions you ask your. Whats the most daring thing youve ever done. Whens the last time you pushed out of your comfort zone.
If youd prefer an image or PDF of our first 50 questions to ask a girl weve got that at the bottom of the page. What would be a perfect day for you. Jun 14 2021.
What are the top three cities in the world that you would like to visit one day. This first list of questions to ask a girl is a great place to start. Would you rather have no hands or no eyes.
What do you value most in a friendship. Is it easy for. Have you read any good books or seen a good movieshow lately.
Behind every broken bone is a story waiting to be told. Jul 24 2017 Good Questions to Ask Your Friends What do you use to cope when youre feeling uncomfortable. Apr 19 2018 What were the major turning points in your life.
What movie can you watch over and over again. Who was your first crush. Do you think youre brave.
Jul 12 2020 5. Whats the strangest skill you would most like to learn. What is the weirdest thing you have ever done in your life.
You can ask about people that you both used to know. Whats Peggy up to these days. If you are still have their contact information or mutual acquaintances this should be fairly easy.
Find me on Facebook Message me on WhatsApp Text me when youre free Send me an email and well do something. First you have to locate your friend if youve lost touch. Have you ever written a love letter to someone.
How did it make you feel. How have you changed in the past 5 years. How do you see me.
If you could turn back time what decision of yours would you reverse and why. Ask about their job. Are they doing OK.
Enjoy the great conversation you can thank me later. Or you can share information or stories about. Apr 24 2018 Even though in the age of social media it feels like its easy to know where your friends are and what theyre up to your 20s are still a prime time to lose touch.
Things to Ask a Friend That You Havent Seen in a Long Time Family. When you were little what did you want to be. Ask about their family.
What is your most treasured memory. That said the questions you can ask your friends are pretty much endless. What have you done.
Apr 28 2021 The questions featured in the list of deep questions in the article above are great questions to ask your friends. What was your first kiss like. Jun 25 2021 Try out this handful of get to know you questions to ask your friends.
What is your favorite book of all time. Many people love what they do professionally and enjoy the opportunity to talk about it. Questions to ask a girl list.
Would you like to be famous. Have you ever had an accident where you got your bones broken. Conversations with old friends are a good opportunity to catch up on things.
Are you still friends with any of your exes. Talk about other people you know. What kind of weather do you prefer.
You can ask You have my number right or Do I have your cell or suggest that they contact you some other way. Are you still at IBM. Jan 09 2020 The 10 best questions to ask friends.
Whats the best meal youve had lately. For what in your life do you feel most grateful. How have you been.
How many times have you been in love. If you have lost track of them altogether you might want to look into how to find someoneStep 2 Initiate contact. What is your happiest memory.
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